My First Western Horseback Ride
One of the Phys. Ed. programs at Windham College in Putney, VT was horseback riding. I’d always wanted to learn and I would be able to...
Writer's Checklist
The following is a checklist I put together based on my experience that will help you determine what you need when approaching an agent...
Western Novels At Barnes & Noble
There are three shelves of Westerns at the Myrtle Beach Barnes & Noble. 217 novels by 15 authors. Looks like the genre is pretty healthy.
Western Films Scheduled For Release: Late 2015-2016
There are 7 westerns scheduled for release. Two are remakes. One is "Westworld," the other is "The Magnificient Seven." Quentin...
Hunting the Snowys
The first time I’d gone big game hunting was in Vermont. My roommate had heard about a hunter who’d gone into a cave with a .44 magnum...
Mrs. Hauser's Chili
For the weekend Mrs. Hauser, our cook, left us a large pot of chili for supper. You could tell her mood by how hot the chili was. We knew...
Western Authors
Here are a few of the authors who write about the Old and New west. OLD WEST: Zane Grey Louis L'Amour Luke Short Larry McMurty Will James...
Categories and Subgenres of Westerns
The classic western usually features an indealistic hero who rights wrongs and seeks vengence for injustices done to the innocent. And...
Having Something To Say
"You don't write because you want to say something, you write because you have something to say." --F. Scott Fitzgerald
My First Indian
She called herself Barbara Ann after the Beach Boy's song. She was the first Indian I ever saw. A full-blooded Cree who danced at the...